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RDM General Implementation Discussion General Discussion and questions relating to implementing RDM in a product.

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Old February 3rd, 2012   #1
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Default European RDM/sACN Developers Conference and Plugfest 2012

Arrangements are being made to hold the next PLASA Control Protocols Plugfest in the UK. This follows the recent experiences of international participation at the PLASA plugfest sessions in Dallas Fort Worth.

The proposed dates are April 26th - 28th 2012.

A venue is being sought close to Gatwick Airport, which also has good rail links to London. Those wanting to travel by Eurostar can change at London St Pancras for the First Capital Connect service to Brighton, which stops at Gatwick Airport. Alternately, there is a regular bus service from Heathrow to Gatwick airport.

The Developers conference and plugfest is being planned to cover both RDM, sACN and allow details of the current streaming RDM project to be discussed.

Specific sessions will be held on the use of existing RDM test and development tools as well as providing developers with the opportunity to test and retest in a friendly and supportive environment.

If you wish to register a preliminary expression of interest, please email Peter Willis at andera@compuserve.com or Ron Bonner at Ron.Bonner@plasa.org
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Old February 29th, 2012   #2
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Default RDM and sACN : European Developers Conference and Plugfest

The following is the essence of an imminent press release
** begins **
PLASA Technical Standards in action.
PLASA’s Technical Resource Office announces that an RDM and sACN Developers Conference and Plugfest will take place on the 26th-28th April, in the UK, at Gatwick Manor, London Road at Lowfield Heath, just south of Gatwick Airport.
This Developers Conference aims to provide a European forum for manufacturers, designers, consultants and prospective users; and to ensure that the adoption of these new standards achieves desired levels of interoperability and reliability.
The “Plugfest” is a hands- on opportunity for product developers to try their products and code implementations with products from a variety of other manufacturers, with support from their industry peers in an environment that encourages co-operation and improved understanding of the standards, and with the aim of achieving high levels of interoperability. Typically, engineers participate in these events with the ability to code and debug aspects of their implementations on site, sometimes retreating to their hotel rooms to craft improvements before returning to the “Plugfest” to continue testing.
The sessions, despite their apparent informality, can be a valuable opportunity to learn how not to make the same mistakes, or misguided assumptions, as others may have done.
Participation is by invitation, and limited to registered delegates. The conference is designed to appeal to Lighting Designers, System integrators, Theatre Consultants, Production Electricians, Rental company technical staff and product development engineers. The focus for Thursday will be broad, and designed to appeal to all categories of participant. Friday and Saturday will be orientated towards product development engineers who are either considering or actively implementing these standards.
A single registration fee of UK£45 per person, payable in advance, covers participation and a buffet lunch. Delegates may attend one or more days as they think appropriate. The registration fee is fixed, regardless of the number of days you attend, but you are required to indicate your proposed level of participation in advance.
All enquiries and registration requests should be sent to Ron Bonner at PLASA. (ron.bonner@plasa.org)
** ends **

This event is arranged by Peter Willis, Peter Kirkup, Hamish Dumbreck and Simon Hobday in conjunction with Ron Bonner, PLASA Technical Resource Office.
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Old March 2nd, 2012   #3
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It's official !!


hope to see you all there. Please regsiter asap, especially if you want accomodation, as our allocation is limited.

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Old March 8th, 2012   #4
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Please don't forget to sign up and register for this event with Ron Bonner at PLASA, as soon as possible.
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Old March 23rd, 2012   #5
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I know a lot of companies have been busy this week in Frankfurt, with new product launches and so on at ProLite and Sound. However NOW is the time to sign up to the upcoming RDM and sACN Developers Conference and Plugfest, and turn all the marketing promises into technical reality!

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Old April 25th, 2012   #6
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Thanks to everyone for their support of the forthcoming European RDM/sACN Developers Conference and Plugfest 2012.

It really should be called the International event, as we have widespread support and neary 60 attendees for Thursday and some 50 engineers working together on Friday and Saturday.

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Old April 27th, 2012   #7
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Default European RDM/sACN Developers Conference and Plugfest 2012.

Well - we have all survived the first day!.

A stunning attendance level : 60+ people and a lot of support and enthusiasm from companies experiencing this process for the first time.

Attached to this are the schedules we have tried to follow.

Peter Willis
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Schedule Thursday iss 1.0.pdf (73.5 KB, 4992 views)
File Type: pdf Schedule Friday iss 1.0.pdf (68.0 KB, 4380 views)
File Type: pdf Schedule Saturday iss 1.0.pdf (67.9 KB, 4520 views)
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Old April 30th, 2012   #8
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Default European RDM/sACN Developers Conference and Plugfest April 2012

Three days of serious work for a lot of people right to the end.

My thanks to Hamish Dumbreck, Simon Hobday and Peter Kirkup for their support and enthusiasm for this event, and to Ron Bonner at PLASA for sponsoring and underwriting the event as part of PLASA Technical.

Thanks also to our additional guest contributers, Paul Kleissler, Tim Baarsch, Michael Karlsson, Hans Lau, Bob Goddard, Wayne Howell, Simon Newton, Adam Bennette and Ulrich Kunkel.

Finally, thanks to everyone who attended and participated in such a professional manner.

Ron, Peter, Hamish, Simon and I are getting together on the 4th May to learn from our mistakes, and discuss where we go from here. Thus if you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know.

Peter Willis

Last edited by prwatE120; September 4th, 2012 at 03:27 AM. Reason: oops - left some names off the list - sorry !!
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Old April 30th, 2012   #9
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Congratulations Peter, Ron, and everyone that contributed! It sounds like it was a fantastic turnout and event! I wish I would have been able to attend and look forward to hearing more from the results of the event.

Peter, I'd suggest you and Ron write up a Press Release with some good photos so we can publicize the event both on the RDM website but also in the trade publications.

Scott M. Blair
RDM Protocol Forums Admin
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Old September 4th, 2012   #10
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Default European RDM Developers Conference and Plugfest 2012

Building on the success of the April conference and plugfest, we have announced a further two day event to be held at Gatwick Manor on the 4th and 5th of October 2012.

As before, advance registration is required, and you can do this by going to

Also, dont forget the RDM Stand at PLASA 2012, 2-R4.

A new location, still in Earls Court 2 hall, with lots to see and some new players entering the RDM market .....

Peter Willis
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Old October 9th, 2012   #11
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Default Second European E1.20 Remote Device Management Conference and Plugfest

European lighting manufacturers implementing the Remote Device Management (RDM) protocol (ANSI E1.20-2010 Standard: Remote Device Management over USITT DMX512 ), met again recently for a two day conference and Plugfest near Gatwick Airport in the UK.

Organised by Peter Willis (Howard Eaton Lighting), Simon Hobday (Artistic Licence Engineering), Hamish Dumbreck (Jese Ltd) and Peter Kirkup (Lumen Radio), in conjunction with PLASA’s Technical Resources Manager, Ron Bonner, the event attracted some 35 engineers from over 22 manufacturing companies, with representation across the Entertainment and Architectural lighting sectors.

The conference kicked off with a review of the impact of the RDM exhibition stand presented at the recent PLASA show at Earl’s Court, and the issues of compliance that sometimes surface whilst attempting to utilise RDM enabled products.
Discussions on possible methods for reviewing products and their adherence to the standard ensued, with separate proposals for Responders, Data Distribution (Splitters) and Controllers emerging.
As always, Plugfests provide an opportunity for engineers to scrutinise their product’s operation in conjunction with a variety of other devices, make changes as required and re-evaluate. It is also an opportunity to discuss best practices, identify known pitfalls and improve your product for the benefit of the industry as a whole.

On the second day, an attempt was made to trial a procedure for evaluating responders, in an effort to facilitate a more robust and standardised means of reviewing RDM compatibility.
Based on initial feedback, it is clear that these events should be regular, to enable manufactures to build consistency into their products, and planning is now underway for further activities in 2013.

For those companies actively involved with (or who are considering) implementing RDM and have not yet attended a Plugfest, the PLASA Technical Resource Office would encourage you make to the effort to support and attend future events.
If you would like more information on any aspect of RDM or the RDM Conference and Plugfest events please contact the PLASA TRO at tr@plasa.org

Peter Willis

Last edited by prwatE120; October 10th, 2012 at 07:14 AM. Reason: spelling correction
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